Craig Wainwright
Chartered & State Registered Physiotherapist
Craig has over 20 years of NHS experience across various Large acute London Hospitals with experience in medical wards, Intensive care (General and neurosurgical), neurological conditions, trauma and orthopaedics and musculoskeletal services.
Based in Accident & Emergency, community rapid response services and elderly care units over the last decade Craig has specialised in elderly care, frailty, balance loss and falls.
Craig has vast experience navigating the complexity of the healthcare sectors on behalf of his clients liaising & working with;
Elderly care Consultants, healthcare workers and support teams,
GP services,
Social services,
Ambulance crews,
Falls and balance services,
Age UK, Local charity services, befriending services,
Dementia and psychiatric services,
Telecare and home adaptation teams,
All with the specific focus of offering a broad, wholistic and bespoke rehabilitation experience for his clients supporting them in their own home or following discharge from Hospital. Craig’s focus is to maintain a clients’ independence, function and safety at home whilst maximising their rehabilitation potential and preventing further admissions.
Craigs experience with balance loss and falls has developed his clinical experience in Vestibular Physiotherapy and works with private Consultants in this field of Specialism.
Craig’s experience in A&E trauma clinics has also focused on the assessment, early management and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and he brings this experience to his work.
Craig worked as the Head of Physiotherapy in the Private Hospital Healthcare setting before joining us at Physiotherapy Services.